There isn’t an inch of my home which hasn’t been painted in the past few days. We are trying to stay busy, keeping ourselves occupied whilst we stay indoors. Business is quiet as most companies are not recruiting at this time. We hope that our outstanding invoices are paid so that we can survive financially for the next few months.
Everyone is suffering.
We must remain positive and enjoy the freedom we have to remain at home.
In other countries, people are forced from their homes and businesses, escaping with only the clothes on their back. I met a Syrian refugee several years ago and his story was heartbreaking. Sat at his desk in the bank, he received a call from his father, telling him to leave work immediately and to run as far away as possible to find safety.
He came from a very close family, everyone living on the same street. Everyone eating together and providing financial and emotional support, their lives completely intertwined.
He eventually settled on the streets in Turkey, one sister in Germany, the other in Canada. They didn’t want to be apart or living in someone else’s country, they just wanted to go home, but home didn’t exist any more. He had a good job in Syria, but made money in Turkey cleaning shoes. Life changed so quickly for him.
I often think about him and his family, torn apart by war.
I feel very blessed that I can remain at home, in contact with my friends and family. Even though some food is in short supply, I still have access to fresh produce.
Instead of feeling sorry for myself at this time of confinement, I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to remain in my own home with fresh water and clean clothes.
#quarantinestories #stayhome #over50 #refugeestory #silversister #grayhair #greyhair #silverhair #over50influencer #shortstory #over40 #staysafe #quarantine #positivity #behappy #gratitude