Do you want to look younger?

I don’t want to appear younger than my years. It’s perfectly OK that I look my age.

I know the beauty industry tries to convince us that we need to look at least 10 years younger than our true biological age, but why? I’ve received messages telling me I look ten years younger, and also 10 or more years older, it really doesn’t matter how old I look, its how old I feel, and I feel the same as I did when I was 18. I eat a varied whole food plant based diet, exercise daily, limit my time on social media and I spend lots of time in nature. It takes effort to feel good, sadly there’s no magic pill. I feel full of energy and ready to take on any challenge. More on this another day, I write less on Instagram posts as the limit on the number of words is too challenging for me!

I took this shot on arriving home from the construction site. My hair was covered in dust and was happily doing it’s own thing. I wandered into the bathroom and picked up the scissors. You see, my hair is falling out. … It’s normal. I have an under active thyroid and it causes my hair to wave goodbye to my scalp by the handful. Sometimes more than others. It’s OK, it’s only hair. 10 minutes of snipping and I have a shorter style.

It doesn’t matter if I look 54, 64 or even more. I just hope I look healthy and happy, as that’s my only wish.

Have a beautiful day.

Gail x

#older #wiser #hypothyroid #itsonlyhair #silverhair #silversister

Release the Rottweiler

Today is a good day! My inner Rottweiler was released in pursuit of a large unpaid client invoice which is causing me sleepless nights. I’ve mentioned it in my stories and it’s been making me very anxious.

I find it amusing when C level executives try to intimidate me with their title. I am a business owner, CEO of my own business, so there’s little which ruffles my feathers or makes me feel the slightest bit inferior …… to anyone. We are a small business, offering our clients exceptional project delivery and customer service. But a service is invisible, unlike a delivery of 50 desks which you can clearly see sitting in your office. So, in difficult times like those we are in today, payments are delayed because there is no product we can retrieve and little we can do to recover a service already provided.

But having worked my way up from the bottom, in companies of all sizes from many nations, I know how companies work and what scares the pants off them.

Mr Big Cheese CEO is no longer wearing his pants today.

Everyone takes a poop. Nobody is better than me. We all entered the world in the same way and nobody is getting out alive. I find intimidation amusing. As long as my life isn’t in danger, I do enjoy a bit of calm but forceful confrontation to defend my interests.

I look sweet and kind, which of course I am to a point… But I hate people trying to take advantage of me. That’s when the Rottweiler appears.
I learned these skills with age. Another reason ageing rocks!

#girlboss #ceo #befierce #strongwomen #agingrocks #payme #bossbitch #girlpower #over50 #over40 #maturewoman #controlfreak #silverhair #grayhair

Let’s talk about filters

Lets talk about filters. I am asked often if I use them and the answer is ‘no’. I only use Instagram editing to modify the brightness, shadows and highlights. I simply can’t be bothered to do anything else, it’s just too much effort.

I know lots of women (and men!) use filters with wonderful professional results. Some are filtered to a particular hue or effect, some smooth out wrinkles and make your eyes pop. But, when I started looking for women my age for inspiration just over a year ago, I didn’t find many unfiltered shots of natural ageing…. no botox, no fillers, no facelifts etc. So I started my own.

I have friends who have gone under the knife, with tucks, liposuction and a full facelift and it made them happy. Others with botox, lip fillers, makeup tattoos and it made them happy too. We should do whatever we need to make us happy. Dye your hair? Do it! Shave your head? Do it! Lip fillers? Of course …and so on.
I’m happy to watch my face slowly melt into old age. Which reminds me of a story. When Seb was 8 he asked what would happen if we put a doll in the oven. I said ‘Lets find out!’. So we popped Barbi (no idea where she came from as I don’t have a daughter – sorry to whoever left it at my house) into the oven, then took her out at 5 minute intervals. Pity we didn’t document it as it was incredibly funny. Barbi aged very quickly. Her face melted, her hair made it’s way down her face and her boobs sagged under her arms within 10 minutes. I now know how she felt.
I want to be a positive ageing role model to the younger women in my family and to daughters of friends too. But, if you have coloured hair, botox, fake boobs and you’re happy, thats also a positive role model.
Never worry about the opinion of others. Join which tribe you want, we can all still be friends and happy with our own choices.

#ageing #aging #emptynest #ditchthedye #silversister #aginggracefully #healthyaging #vegan #bodypositive #over40 #over50 #braids #silverbraids #bluehair #matureskin #maturebeauty #maturemakeup #maturewoman #gettingold #violethair

Who is FiftySister

Who is a Fifty Sister?

She has sparkling hair, or maybe cherry red… or any colour of the rainbow. It’s whichever colour makes her feel happy and confident.
She cares.
She’s kind.
She wears what she wants. Dr Marten boots with a pretty dress? She likes it, thats all that matters.
She wears her hair long, in a messy bun. Or maybe her head is shaved, an undercut, dreadlocks. Her choice.
She dances, she sings, she loves her life.
She knows she is lucky, she is here.
She’s visible.
She’s bold.
She’s brave.
She’s fearless.
She’s wise.
She loves every stretch mark from weight gained, weight lost, perhaps a baby, or maybe not.
She likes her squidgy belly. It’s warm and soft. A perfect pillow.
She walks.
She talks.
She breathes in the morning air and is thankful each day.
She smiles.
She makes time for herself, to be the best she can be.
She’s caring.
She’s mindful.
She’s compassionate.
She wears sexy undies, big knickers, no knickers, she can wear whatever she damned likes.
She wears pink lipstick, red lipstick, no lipstick. They are her lips to choose.
She has tattoos, no tattoos, dreams of tattoos, get that tattoo!
She’s slim, she’s shapely, she is lean, she is the shape she wants to be.
She is everything she never dared to be.
This is her time to shine.
She is me.

#over50 #midlife #emptynest #silverhair #grayhair #over50influencer #over50style #matureskin #older #over40 #agepositive #she #maturewomen #midlifecrisis #middleaged #empynestor#shadows #fitover50 #over50selfie #thisis50

Chilling in the woods

This is me. No makeup. No light adjustments. Just natural old me chilling in the woods on a bed of ivy, soaking in the energy of the earth.

I didn’t like this face much before with it’s wrinkles, sunspots, scars and blemishes. But I’ve learned to love it’s natural state with almost invisible eyelashes and fire scarred skin (you can see red patches on the left side of the photo). It’s such a pity some of the quality is lost when posting on Insta, as you can clearly see the trees above me reflecting in my eyes in the original pic which is lovely.
I often find a quiet spot in the dappled light to bathe in the magic of the woodland. Safely tucked amongst the ferns, beech and oak trees, watching the boughs move gently in the wind, their leaves tickled by the breeze.
This is my moment of meditation. The birds calling and singing loudly at first light, full of joy, celebrating another shiny new day. The moist dew settled on the fresh leaves and grasses, tips tiny pools of cool tranquillity onto my skin as I join the bugs on the woodland floor.

#devon #relax #nomakeup #over50 #maturewomen #maturewoman #matureskin #positiveaging #vegan #plantbased #meditation #bodypostive #earthing #grounding #earthsenergy #silverhair #grayhair #agepositive