I don’t care.

I don’t care if you don’t like my decision to eat plants and not animals, or the milk meant for their babies. I was worried about the anti biotics, the growth hormones, the cholesterol and how it could affect my health.
I realised I’d spent my life being been kind to pets but not all animals.
You will never understand.
I know it’s right for me.

I don’t care if you don’t like my natural silver hair. I stopped applying chemicals to my skin as I worried about potential carcinogens and the risk to my health.
I know it’s right for me.

I don’t care if you don’t like me posting photos of my ageing 50+ face and body.
I know it’s right for me and the many women who have thanked me for doing so. My body is normal, ageing is normal.
My body works well for me.

I don’t care if you’re tired of hearing me defend the rights of immigrants, refugees, minorities, LGBT people, each and every skin colour – race and religion, women, children, plus anyone and everyone less fortunate than me. I will never stop defending them. I know it’s right for them.

I simply don’t care to listen to closed and opinionated people anymore. I’m done.

With age, I now know what I should really care about. It’s not the opinions of others who shout their biased views with their fingers in their ears, unable to listen… to be open, maybe even learn.

I never stop learning. I listen.

I make my own choices – I have the freedom to do so.

I worry not what others think of me. I cannot please everyone and neither should I try to.

I care for those who care deeply for me.

I care for this planet and all the creatures including humans who live here, so future generations may enjoy it too.

I care.
