Goodbye mince pies

Well FiftyMister was popular yesterday! Thank you for all the lovely (and some funny) comments. Maybe I will post his face again, but he’s a reluctant model as he hates having his photo taken.

I just couldn’t wait to begin the raw food adventure, so I’ve started testing out recipes already. I’m even thinking about a raw Christmas dinner for me (husband freaked out when he thought that was the only option on the menu! ?) but I shall be making a vegan roast anyway for the guys.

I weighed myself today. Even though it is not my desire or intention to lose weight, I am interested to see what difference eating whole food raw makes to my weight – if anything. My weight has slowly climbed over the past couple of years and I’ve gained 14lbs/6.3 kilos. But I’m also fitter so the number on the dial isn’t that important.

The other day I mentioned that I was limiting my mince pie intake (which is now zero), and I received a message telling me not to encourage women to diet or limit their intake of food – that I shouldn’t support the diet culture. I’m not suggesting anyone else limit what they eat, I just know that I need to. As someone who gains weight easily, and hates how tight my clothes become (which makes me crazy!) I ensure I eat more of the good stuff and limit the junk/sweet treats.

My juicer arrived today. I always use to make dog treats with the pulp, which I shall do again, but when my dehydrator arrives I shall be making human treats too.

I don’t read the news but I know that this new lockdown situation has got everyone stressed. I’m focusing on learning new kitchen skills and keeping myself busy, so I don’t have time to think about it.

It’s important to keep smiling and remain positive. Not matter how impossible the situation appears.

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