Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and messages regarding my post about ageing yesterday.
I want to scream positivity from the rooftops and encourage positive discussion about ageing, so that our daughters, nieces and young friends don’t fear ageing like so many of us in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond have done.
We are good enough. In fact, we are at our very best. Why else would we have silver hair?
Dig out your best dancing shoes with a bit of sparkle and dance away any worries about ageing.
Embrace it, treasure it, know ageing is the reward for all those orbits around the sun.
Each day we travel 1.6million miles. So each year we travel 540 million miles. So in my 52 years I have travelled 28080000000 miles! So there’s bound to be some wear and tear.
How incredible are we…?! #matureskin #over50 #over50andfit #silverhair #ageing #positivity #positiveageing #over40 #grayhair #pelogris #floralkimono #ageisjustanumber #silversister #maturewoman #50plus #scream #midlifecrisis #over50style #over50influencer