Food. I get asked about this a lot. What do I eat? How much do I eat? I know that keeping weight in check gets harder as we age. We don’t need to eat as much as we did now that our lives are maybe less active than they were, less running round after children and running a busy home. It’s so easy to share your food with your significant other by just cutting it in two. But realistically if your partner is a man, he needs 30% more calories than you. So by cutting it in half, you may be over eating.
I have been vegetarian most of my adult life. Whole food plant based for the past 4 years. Living with 2 meat eaters made life in the kitchen challenging at first. But, after a lot of hard work, endless experiments and my colourful culinary imagination I now have a fully vegan kitchen. My husband has embraced veganism in the house, even if it doesn’t completely extend to all meals eaten outside our home.
He read an article recently by Lewis Hamilton. In it, Lewis said that he changed his thinking from food for pleasure to food for fuel. This changed his whole attitude to food and made the switch to wholesome vegan food so much easier for him.
I eat a vegan diet, with no limit on portions. It’s a life changing, stress free, high energy, simple diet. Eat what I like as long as it’s unprocessed, fresh and animal free. What could be easier…? I wish that restaurants had the passion for plants that I have, it would make eating out more of a pleasure for me. Usually I am disappointed. With the exception of @thecuriouskitchenbrixham
just 5 minutes walk from my house. If you are ever in my little town of Brixham you must visit, vegan or not the food is incredible!
Has anyone else embraced a whole food plant based diet in their fifties?
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#wholefood #vegan #plantbased #fitover50 #midlife #emptynest #vegetarian #foodasfuel #eatlikeyougiveafuck #midlifecrisis #midlifeweightloss #weightloss #silversister #silverhair #over50blogger #over50influencer #50plus #over50 #over40 #loseweightafter40 #losingweight
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