I don’t have great skin

I get lots of messages from women telling me how lucky I am to have great skin. They tell me they feel; pale, uninteresting, old and tired. I don’t have great skin, I have a great makeup collection!

I feel crappy without makeup, I look tired (my friends suggest a visit to the doctor when they see me makeup free)…. and I feel tired! Even though I may not see anyone or even leave the house except to hike in the woods, I slap on some makeup every day to put myself in a positive frame of mind and to protect my skin from the sun. If I don’t wear makeup for a few days, I can feel my mood slipping so I find a nice pink lippy and some golden bronzer to add some colour and sparkle to give me a boost.
I do enjoy browsing ‘before and after photos’, – do you? It’s a kind of magic and I find many inspirational and motivational photos from women over 40.
I’ve been playing with my collection of vegan hair colour since I found it tucked at the back of the cupboard. I mix 1 teaspoon with my hair conditioner and leave on for 5 minutes. Longer if I want a more vibrant result.
What do you do to give yourself a quick pickup? Pamper session? Makeup? Hair mask?

Earrings: @_jasperrocks