Violet hair shampoo

Silver hair is popping today!

I get so many messages about my hair, asking which shampoo and how long I’ve been dye free so here is the first of many (I am sure) posts about my silver hair.

I try lots of different silver and violet shampoos, but this one from Eugene Perma is the current product under my scrutiny.

Eugene Perma Collections Nature

Almost used it all!

You can find out current pricing from Amazon by clicking here

It’s very violet straight out of the bottle, and it will stain your hands slightly when applying, but is does disappear from your skin very quickly. I have been using this shampoo every couple of days and I am very happy with the colour. I am on the look out for a cruelty free version so please get in touch if you have any suggestions by emailing me

I wash my hair and then leave the shampoo in whilst I am shaving my legs in the shower. Just to give it an extra few minutes to absorb the violet colour.

My hair is a bit dry and lifeless using this shampoo, so I’ve swicthed to making my own violet shampoo now. Check out this post for info

Silver Journey

I’ve been dye free since December 2018. I had the colour stripped from my hair (it was purple) and since then I’ve just let my silvers sparkle.

I bought this shampoo as where I live in Portugal my choices and options are limited. We don’t have any Amazon delivery here but I get products sent to me from family and friends.

The post below in Insta is using this shampoo. I havent used any filters or effects on this photo so this is the actual colour when I am in the shade. All yellow is neutralised and my whites are popping!

Let me know what you think..?