Finding freedom

“When you stop worrying about; the grey hair, squidgy belly, flabby arms, wrinkles, crinkles and all that comes naturally with ageing, you have found freedom, and most importantly, more time to enjoy life without self imposed limits”. – Gail McNeill.

A fresh makeup free morning today. I love wearing makeup, but I also love for my skin to feel wild and free. Just a generous application of @ravenbotanicals Raven Botanicals facial oil, after shaving my face – yes, shaving my face is normal! (I shave every couple of months to prune my flooffy face. It feels good!).

Have a beautiful day!


#ageing #aging #ageingskin #ageinggracefully #agingskin #matureskin #midlife #positiveaging #positiveageing #agepositive #freedom #wrinkles #midlifeblogger #midlifewomen #midlifecrisis #midlifeinfluencers #silverhair #grayhair #greyhair #goinggray #middleage #40pluswomen #40plus #50plus #50pluswomen

Who is FiftySister

Who is a Fifty Sister?

She has sparkling hair, or maybe cherry red… or any colour of the rainbow. It’s whichever colour makes her feel happy and confident.
She cares.
She’s kind.
She wears what she wants. Dr Marten boots with a pretty dress? She likes it, thats all that matters.
She wears her hair long, in a messy bun. Or maybe her head is shaved, an undercut, dreadlocks. Her choice.
She dances, she sings, she loves her life.
She knows she is lucky, she is here.
She’s visible.
She’s bold.
She’s brave.
She’s fearless.
She’s wise.
She loves every stretch mark from weight gained, weight lost, perhaps a baby, or maybe not.
She likes her squidgy belly. It’s warm and soft. A perfect pillow.
She walks.
She talks.
She breathes in the morning air and is thankful each day.
She smiles.
She makes time for herself, to be the best she can be.
She’s caring.
She’s mindful.
She’s compassionate.
She wears sexy undies, big knickers, no knickers, she can wear whatever she damned likes.
She wears pink lipstick, red lipstick, no lipstick. They are her lips to choose.
She has tattoos, no tattoos, dreams of tattoos, get that tattoo!
She’s slim, she’s shapely, she is lean, she is the shape she wants to be.
She is everything she never dared to be.
This is her time to shine.
She is me.

#over50 #midlife #emptynest #silverhair #grayhair #over50influencer #over50style #matureskin #older #over40 #agepositive #she #maturewomen #midlifecrisis #middleaged #empynestor#shadows #fitover50 #over50selfie #thisis50


Loving my braids and the hashtag from the gorgeous today – #grombraid !!! Playing with the light on my silver hair and admiring my wonky brows today.
#grombraid #grombre #silverhair #silversisters #over50 #vegan #planteater #over50style #50plus #matureskinmakeup #matureskin #mature #midlifewomen #middleagedwoman #over40 #emptynest #braids #vikinghair #whitehair #grayhair #goinggray #over50influencer #influencers #graybraids

It’s an upside down world

I feel like the whole world has turned upside down.

This vicious minuscule invisible enemy which jumped on a plane, enjoyed a cruise and rode a train is causing the ultimate havoc and affecting everyone on this planet. I can’t help but marvel at the speed of its travel, the breadth of attack and the level of destruction it has left in its wake.

I now live in my shorts and wander around the house in underwear all day. I don’t really see the point in wearing clothes, other than to create more laundry to keep me entertained.
I’ve run out of chores, other than the ones I don’t want to do and never will. Such as sorting out paperwork and doing some filing. Turns out I’m behind with paperwork because I hate doing it, not because I don’t have the time.
My husband and I fight over who is going to do the laundry. It’s whoever can reach the laundry basket first in the morning wins the race and gets something to do for a few minutes! Whoever thought we would be fighting over wanting to do laundry?! I haven’t driven for 5 weeks, so my car must think I’ve died. I really miss driving to Totnes to visit the produce market on Friday, browsing the little boutiques, visiting food stalls – especially eating the best freshly made Indian dosa in Devon.

I’m feeling very positive and happy today as I know lockdown will not last forever. I am just reminiscing about market day and looking forward my next visit whenever that may be.
Life is just on pause.
Which weekly visit do you miss the most?

#totnes #lockdown #bepositive #silverhair #upsidedown #covid19 #pandemic #iloveschores #laundry #over50 #50plus #midlife #emptynest #imissmost #missing #greyhair #grayhair #grombre #over50influencer #over40 #matureskin #maturewoman #olderwoman #fitover50 #middleaged #pause #missthemost

Missing donuts

I think I may be the only person who has lost weight during lockdown! No access to vegan ice cream or donuts is the secret. I LOVE donuts!

I feel like I have been prepared for this isolation for a long time. I have silver hair so no worries about colouring and a cupboard filled with nuts, seeds and pulses. Yesterday I made some coconut pancakes and shared this on my story. So many people asked for the recipe again that I will make a short IGTV with the process again soon. I get asked many times what I eat to have so much energy for my long walks.
I only eat plants and follow a whole food plant based diet. I shared a few vegan swaps for dairy on my story the other day. If you are thinking about switching to a high energy, cruelty free, vitamin packed diet, maybe start with swapping out dairy and butter. Check out a few films to get you motivated:

Forks Over Knives
What The Health?
The Game Changers

None of these films involve animal cruelty so don’t be scared to start watching. It shows how animal products can affect your health and how to improve your health by removing these products from your diet.

I feel 16 inside! My energy levels are very high and I feel fantastic. I researched the best way to improve my health almost 6 years ago and made the change after reading so many stories about energetic plant eaters. I have never looked back.
The biggest change for me is that I no longer count calories or require portion control. It’s impossible to overeat on a whole food plant based diet – just too much fibre!!! I may start sharing recipe videos via IGTV as my son loves my cooking but isn’t gifted with the joy of cooking but he does love to eat. If it’s easy to follow with a few cupboard ingredients he will give it a go. So stay tuned for more on this.
#plantbased #planteater #vegan #whatthehealth #forksoverknives #thegamechangers #eatlikeyougiveafuck #fitover50 #fitover40 #over50influencer #midlife #midlifereset #emptynest #silverhhair #grombre #grayhair #naturalhair #pelosgris #matureskin #matureskinmakeup #maturemakeup #over50beauty #over40beauty #whitehair #crueltyfree #over50vegan